Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Importance of Children's Prom Dresses - 3 Great Tips For Kids Prom Dresses

She excitedly spins round, her beautiful dress spreading out around her, sparkly shoes and tiara glinting in the light. It has taken months of preparation to get to this day, and she looks perfect.
You would be forgiven for thinking I was describing someone's wedding, but no, I'm talking about the school prom - the Infant school prom! Thanks to shows such as High School the Musical, the American style prom craze is sweeping the British nation and it's not just teenagers that are hooked.
Many infant schools are now holding graduation proms to mark the occasion of moving up to the junior school. Some may be skeptical about such occasions, believing that children this young shouldn't be dressing up like little adults. Most schools recognize this and are very clear that in this context the proms are just another type of pretend play, certainly not an attempt to make children grow up too quickly.
Many schools have in fact tried to turn the events into an exciting reward for good behavior and high achievement. The kids receive prom points throughout the year to ensure they can attend, so in this respect it actually reinforces positive attitudes at school.
Kids prom dresses and boys prom outfits are of the up-most importance and parents all want the chance for their child to shine. What little girl doesn't love dressing up in a pretty dress and shoes just like mummy? And what mother doesn't love to see her little angel looking absolutely adorable.
It is hard to get the balance just right though and there are 3 key points to bear in mind when choosing the perfect kids prom dress:
1). They are childrens prom dresses, not adult ones
Don't choose a style that is too mature for the age of the child, you want them to look sweet and adorable, not strangely grown up and older than their years.
2). Kids prom dresses should be practical, and above all, comfortable
Choose a style that is practical, not too many fussy buttons or straps that will be difficult for them. Also be aware of the time of year and the temperature, they are still children after all and will be running around and playing and you don't want them to get overheated and uncomfortable.
3). Remember it is your daughter's dress, not yours
Make sure they love the dress, it is not your opinion that matters most here, it's theirs. This is their big day, and they need to love their first proper dress.

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